Happy Birthday Brad, you old man. As of today (now yesterday – I’m a bit late posting this) Brad has ascended to the ripe old age of 35. Not traditionally a landmark age, but somehow it feels like a landmark. I think that once you’re 35 you can get away with stuff you can’t get away with when you’re younger, like hitting on flight stewardesses and married women.
Brad taught us all how to play video games in one sitting in the back of a van on family roadtrips to Florida (or was it Hatteras?), and how to play poker and even how to create blogs. He continues to school us in all things cool, and is currently living it up in So Cal pursuing his glamorous career as a research assistant for CSI:Miami (the one with clown-boy). Props to Brad, and best of luck in this your 35th year.

I'm no longer in the desired demographic of 18-34, but I like to feel I still spend money like I am. Thanks, Ben.