Saturday, December 30, 2006

Ella's First Christmas

Ella's first Christmas was primarily dominated with several attempts to eat wrapping paper, and/or the presents within the wrapping paper.

Ella opens her "Christmas Sack" - apparently this is like a stocking, or maybe it is a stocking. It looks sort of like a sack.

Ella commences eating wrapping paper

... and pauses briefly to assist in unwrapping a present

before eating more wrapping paper

and more...

and even eating some gift bags

and then attempting to eat this poor elephant

she really likes to eat wrapping paper


mmmm. cardboard...

Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Brad!

Happy Birthday Brad, you old man. As of today (now yesterday – I’m a bit late posting this) Brad has ascended to the ripe old age of 35. Not traditionally a landmark age, but somehow it feels like a landmark. I think that once you’re 35 you can get away with stuff you can’t get away with when you’re younger, like hitting on flight stewardesses and married women.

Brad taught us all how to play video games in one sitting in the back of a van on family roadtrips to Florida (or was it Hatteras?), and how to play poker and even how to create blogs. He continues to school us in all things cool, and is currently living it up in So Cal pursuing his glamorous career as a research assistant for CSI:Miami (the one with clown-boy). Props to Brad, and best of luck in this your 35th year.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Anne!

Here's to Anne, 22 years old on this Christmas Eve. Anne has always been a bit sensitive about her birthday falling on Christmas Eve and getting lost amidst all the excitement of Christmas Cookies and stockings and all the like. But I figure she's lucky, since she (most) always gets presents from everyone, since they are all around to celebrate her birthday and aren't allowed to forget.

Co-conspirator, singer of "Figaro", inventor of Phaseology (101), movie partner, and the only one among us who seems to have a wit of sporting talent in her, Anne is perhaps the most energetic and intruiging of us Kesslers.

Happy Birthday, Anne. And oh, we did get you a present - wish I were there to enjoy it with you!